Innovation missions report 2022

With the funding and support by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality in 2022,the Innovation Missions team of the Department of International Innovation Cooperation of The Netherlands Enterprise Agency was able to organize 21 innovations missions to 14 different countries. By creating opportunities for Dutch firms, universities, and governments to collaborate with partners abroad, the innovation missions have played an important part in building the partnerships that can help to address
the societal challenges of today and tomorrow, and to further develop the technologies that are essential in doing so.
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Life Sciences & Health
Samen met private en publieke stakeholders werken we aan innovaties binnen de life sciences en health-sector.

Earth Valley
Bedrijven die werken aan oplossingen op het gebied van duurzame leefomgeving, woningbouw, mobiliteit, klimaatadaptatie en energietransitie.

New Digital Society
Bedrijven in het New Digital Society ecosysteem lopen voorop in digitale innovatie, denk aan Edtech, Immersive Technology, Media en Games.
Innovatieve ondernemers uit regio Utrecht kunnen bij ons terecht voor investeringen, hulp bij innoveren en ondersteuning bij het veroveren van markten in het buitenland.
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